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Staff & Services
Getting started
Calendar & Appointment Scheduling
Staff & Services
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Business & payments
Staff & Services
How do I allow multiple patients to book the same appointment?
How do I set cancellation time?
How do I set up team bookings?
How do I set staff time zone?
How do I create service categories?
How do I update staff profile?
How do I limit booking availability?
How do I add New Staff?
How do I set business time zone?
How do I prevent myself from getting booked out?
How do I customize service and staff booking URL?
How do I hide certain services from the booking page?
How do I add a new service?
How do I set working hours on a service level?
How do I set working hours on a staff level?
How do I add bios for staff?
What happens when I disable or delete a staff member?
How can I delete staff members immediately without having to remove them from an appointment or service one by one?
How do I allow my patients to choose a staff when booking an appointment?
How do I create new locations for a service?
How do I assign a staff member as a Manager?
How do I log in as a staff member of Upvio?
How do I update my email address?
How to Manage Services: Enabling, Disabling, and Deleting
How do I add an image to a service?
How do I update my name as a staff member?
How do I assign a staff member to a service?
What is the maximum advance booking period for patient appointments?
How do I configure service duration settings?
How can I update my phone number as a staff?
Can I choose my own location as a staff?
How do I display my avatar in notes?