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Why am I double booked?

Upvio is designed to prevent double bookings, ensuring a seamless scheduling experience. However, conflicts may arise if the status in your external calendar is set to FREE.

Double bookings can happen for a few reasons.

  1. Too little time between appointments. Ensure there’s enough time between appointments by adjusting your buffer time.

  2. Calendar sync issues. If you're using an external calendar (e.g., Google Calendar), make sure it's syncing correctly with Upvio.

  3. Multiple staff or services are set for the same time. Make sure each staff member or service has its own available time slots.

  4. Manual and automatic bookings are conflicting. Review your schedule to ensure manual and automatic bookings aren't overlapping.

  5. On very rare occasion, it can be a system error. Check your availability settings. If the issue continues, contact Upvio support.

Click here to learn how to prevent double bookings.

Note: Ensure your external calendar's default setting is set to "busy" to streamline bookings, prevent conflicts, and maintain accurate availability.

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