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Why do I have overlapping appointments?

Upvio is designed to prevent scheduling conflicts, ensuring a more efficient and organized calendar management experience. However, issues like overlapping appointments may arise from services that require approval.

Overlapping appointments can happen for a few reasons. Here are reasons why and how to fix it:

  1. Too little time between appointments

    The default buffer time may be too short, leading to overlapping appointments and insufficient preparation time. Set ample time between appointments to prevent this from happening.

  2. Calendar syncing issues

    Incorrect integration settings, timezone mismatches, authorization or connectivity issues can cause problems with booking. Ensure that your calendar is properly set up and syncing correctly.

  3. Multiple staff or services at the same time

    The issue of multiple staff or services being booked at the same time happens when staff availability is not properly managed or assigned to specific services, leading to scheduling conflicts. To avoid this, ensure staff member availability is set and are assigned to services correctly.

  4. Manual and automatic bookings overlapping

    Manual and automatic bookings overlap when there are discrepancies in availability or when both types of bookings are made without checking for existing appointments. To avoid this, always double-check your schedule for conflicts before confirming bookings.

  5. One of the appointments is still pending approval.

    Appointments pending approval do not occupy available time until they are approved, which means two or more clients can request for the same time slot during this period. It’s up to the staff member to approve and make any desired changes to the requested appointment.

  6. System or settings error

    A system or settings error occurs when incorrect or incomplete availability settings, such as overlapping time slots or misconfigured rules, prevent proper booking functionality. To resolve this, review your availability settings or contact support for assistance.

If you're still having trouble, contact Upvio support at support@upvio.com