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What are the different staff roles and how do I assign them?

With the 5 different staff roles, you can assign specific permissions to each team member, ensuring the right level of access for every role in your organization.


Understand the different staff roles in Upvio and keep your operations secure while giving your team the tools they need to perform their tasks efficiently.

Roles Permissions
  • Full control over the business account
  • Can manage all settings, including payment and billing
  • Can assign and modify staff roles
  • Can manage most business operations
  • Cannot access or modify payment settings
  • Can add and manage staff but cannot change Owner role
  • Can view and manage their own profile
  • Can manage certain staff profiles assigned under them, including appointments and working hours
  • Can view and manage their own profiles
  • Can manage their own appointments and working hours
  • Cannot view and edit other staff member's information
  • Can access the Developer Portal for integrations and API-related tasks
  • Cannot access or manage business settings, appointments or staff profiles

How to assign roles

  1. Go to Staff and select a team member.
  2. Click on Edit Profile and scroll down to Roles section under Professional Details.
  3. Choose an appropriate role based on their responsibilities.
  4. Click Save to update their permissions.