How to Create Coupons in AUD

Coupons in Upvio are a great way to offer discounts and promotions to your clients.


Follow these steps to create a coupon in AUD:

  1. Go to Settings > Client Billing > Coupons.

  2. Click + New Coupon.

  3. Add a name for the coupon, which will appear on invoices.

  4. Create a coupon code.

  5. Select the discount type:

    1. Fixed Amount: Choose the currency (must match the invoice currency).

    2. Percentage: Enter the percentage value.

  6. Set the expiration date for the coupon.

  7. Click Save to finalize the coupon.


Once saved, you can edit or delete the coupon as needed. Clients can apply coupons under the discounts section of their invoice.


That’s it! You’ve successfully created a coupon in AUD.