Archiving patient records, preserves data in a separate location for future reference without cluttering active systems.
Managing patient records is a crucial aspect of healthcare administration. And, there may be situations where archiving a patient record becomes necessary. Please follow this steps on archiving patient record:
Go to patient record section.
Click the 3 dots on the right side most of the patient you wish to archive.
Select "Archive".
Notes: Archived patients will no longer be able to login to the patient portal or fill out forms that require login. Edits and other actions on their profile will also not be possible.
How to restore archived patient record
Go to patient record section.
Click "View Archived" tab.
Click the 3 dots on the rightmost side of the patient you wish to restore.
Click "Restore".
Archiving is used to store data that is not actively needed but may be required for future reference. It helps in retaining important information without cluttering active databases.
Archived data is moved to a separate storage location but remains retrievable if needed. The information is not permanently removed and can be restored.