How do I connect with Upvio?

Upvio supports integration at a service and staff level.


This is ideal for clinics or individuals who only have one meeting room.

If the Override staff location option is selected, the system will use the service location.

To set up at a service level, please refer to these steps:

  1. Visit your account and copy the meeting room URL.
  2. Log in to your Upvio account and go to Services. 
  3. Select the service you wish to configure.
  4. Scroll down to the Location section and choose Custom.
  5. In the Location type field, select Custom URL from the dropdown menu.
  6. Enter the meeting URL in the Location value field and save the changes.

To set up at a staff level, please refer to these steps:

  1. Visit your account and copy the staff meeting room URL
  2. Log in to your Upvio account and go to Staff.
  3. Select the staff member you wish to configure, then click on Edit Profile.
  4. Scroll down to the Location section
  5. In the Location type field, click the drop-down menu and select Custom URL
  6. Enter the meeting URL in the Location value field and save the changes.

Note: Whenever that specific staff member is scheduled for a virtual service, their personal URL will be displayed as the location in the invitations. It will automatically overwrite any virtual location presets at a service level.