Does the chat feature allow sending and clicking links

Upvio's chat feature enables users to share resources, access content quickly, and streamline communications. With this, you can send and click links.

By enabling link sharing, Upvio ensures smooth communication and collaboration for both users and clients. You can send clickable links directly through the chat to share important information, resources, or external websites with clients or team members. Recipients can access shared content quickly without copying and pasting URLs.

Here are common use cases:

- Sharing appointment booking links with patients or clients.

- Providing links to supporting documents or external resources.

- Sending reminders or follow-ups with direct links to relevant content.

If you encounter any issues with sending or clicking links, here's how to troubleshoot:

- Ensure the link is formatted correctly (e.g., starts with http:// or https://).

- Check for any restrictions or firewalls from your network.

- Reach out to Upvio Support for further assistance.